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Racial Justice Sunday Crafts for Kids - Resources for use with children can be downloaded below. 

Racial Justice Sunday: Faith Spaces | Safe Spaces Event – Racial Justice Sunday is for all churches to reflect on the importance of racial justice, to give thanks for the gifts and beauty of human diversity, and to commit to end racism and acts of discrimination.

This afternoon, February 11th, 1:00-4:30 pm, in conjunction with United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week, and during Black History Month, Faith Spaces | Safe Spaces will bring together a growing network of passionate people from diverse spiritual and religious backgrounds who are committed to the work of anti-racism in the Edmonton area. This gathering will include multifaith and intercultural expressions of ceremony, prayer, song, and food. We will also hear from a gifted panel of speakers from different spiritual paths, each sharing their thoughts and experiences about the ways that the teachings, stories, scriptures, and practices of their own spiritual tradition serve to encourage and motivate them in advocating and working for racial justice and inclusion within their faith community and beyond. If you want to take part, please register by clicking HERE. The event takes place as Boyle Street Plaza (9538-103A Street, Edmonton).