The Patronal Kneelers

The colourful kneelers on the chancel railing and at the baptistry were designed by Sara Johnson and Mary Skelton of the Cathedral. The kneelers were originally made for use in the All Saints' Chapel upstairs of the Cathedral. Each kneeler was given as a memorial and the needlepoint was completed by members of a number of parishes across the diocese.

The kneelers were dedicated in 1986 and detailed information may be found on the back of each kneeler.

Each kneeler carries the heraldic insignia of one of the Patron Saints of the parishes in the Diocese. The floral emblems represent the wild flowers of Alberta.

Patronal Kneelers

All Saints

Wild Rose (Rosanutkana)

Designer: Sara Johnson; Embroiderer: Lilian Davy

Sponsor: David and Mary Skelton and children Louisa and Matthew. In loving memory of Archdeacon Albert Edwin Thain.

Christ Church

Flower: Pond Lily (nuphat variegatum)

Designer: Sara Johnson; Embroiderer: Ruby Edy

Sponsor: Christ Church ACW. In honour of Christ Church parish.

Christ Church, Hamilton, Ontario

Flower: Tiger Lily (lilium Philadelphicum)

Designer: Sara Johnson; Embroiderer: Betty Yowek

In honour of Dean Harry Dawson of All Saints' Cathedral, born in Hamilton, Ontario.

St. Andrew

Flower: Shooting Star

Designer: Sara Johnson; Embroiderer: Tilly McGuigan

Sponsor: The Burrows Family. In loving memory of Doris Ruth (Devall) Howarth.

St. Barnabas

Flower: Tall Larkspur (Delphinium glaucum)

Designer: Sara Johnson; Embroiderer: Delma Booth

Sponsor: Margaret and Stanley Williams. In loving memory of their mothers Fanny (Davies) Giles and Ethel Luella (Searle) Williams.

St. Chad

Flower: Thistle (Cirsium vulgare)

Designer: Sara Johnson; Embroiderer: Laura Taylor

Sponsor: Ralph and Mary Gibson. In loving memory of William Gibson and Blanche (Ford) Gibson.

St. Clement

Flower: Delphinium

Designer: Sara Johnson; Embroiderer: Sara Johnson

Sponsor: Sara Johnson. In honour of all those who gave so generously of their time and skill to create the kneelers.

St. David

Flower: Cow Parsnip (Herracleum lariatum)

Designer: Sara Johnson; Embroiderer: Susanne Kimasewich

Sponsor: St. David ACW. In honour of Archdeacon Russell A. Sayer.

St. Francis of Assisi

Flower: Gallardia (Gallardia aristata)

Designer: Mary Skelton; Embroiderer: Margaret Belyea

Sponsor: Barbara Batoni and Grant Geary. In loving memory of Frances Jessie (Stewart) Geary.

St. George

Flower: Glacier Lily (erythronium grandiflorum)

Designer: Mary Skelton; Embroiderer: Ruby Shanley

Sponsor: St. George ACW. In honour of St. George parish.

St. John (Priory)

Flower: Paintbrush (Serophulariaceae)

Designer: Sara Johnson; Embroiderer: Gertrude Barlow

Sponsor: Dr. Alastair and Kathleen M. Boyd. In loving memory of their eldest son Martin Somerville Boyd.

St. John the Evangelist

Flower: Prickly Pear Cactus (opuntia polycantha)

Designer: Mary Skelton; Embroiderer: Ruth Walsylyshyn

Sponsor: St. John the Evangelist ACW. In honour of St. John the Evangelist parish.

St. Luke

Flower: Fireweed

Designer: Sara Johnson; Embroiderer: Laura Taylor

Sponsor: M. Gibson. In memory of William Gibson and Blanche Ford (Hope) Gibson.

St. Mark

Flower: Crocus (Anemone patens v. wolgangiana)

Designer: Mary Skelton; Embroiderer: Lilian Davy

Sponsor: Lilian Davy, Ruby Edy, and Winnifred Dahl. In loving memory of their father and mother, Arthur James Davy and Annie Eliza Hearn.

St. Mary, Edmonton

Flower: Orchid (orchis rotundifolia)

Designer: Sara Johnson; Embroiderer: Colleen Fitzpatrick

Sponsor: Alice Wilson. In loving memory of her husband Archdeacon Geoffery Wilson.

St. Mary, Irma

Flower: Lady's Slipper (cypripedium calceolus v. pubenseens)

Designer: Mary Skelton; Embroiderer: Phyllis Craig

Sponsor: St. Mary's, Irma ACW. In honour of Phyllis Craig's mother Helen Thurston.

St. Matthew the Evangelist

Flower: Cattails (Typha latifolia)

Designer: Mary Skelton; Embroiderer: Susan White

Sponsor: Hanna Willie. In honour of Rebecca Scott as she celebrated her 100th birthday.

St. Michael and All Angels

Flower: Sunflower (Helianthus lenticularis)

Designer: Sara Johnson; Embroiderer: Ellie Merrick

Sponsor: St. Michael and All Angels ACW. In honour of St. Michael and All Angels parish.

St. Paul

Flower: Twin Flower (Linnaea borealis v. americana)

Designer: Sara Johnson; Embroiderer: Irene Fisher and friend

Sponsor: The F. Erhard Family and Arthur Lindop Family. In loving memory of Thomas Henry Lindop and his wife Mildred Josephine (Davies) Lindop. 

St. Saviour

Flower: Wester Wood Lily (Lilium Philadelphicum)

Designer: Sara Johnson; Embroiderer: Margarite MacDonald

Sponsor: Christ Church, Manville ACW amd St. Saviour ACW. In honoured memory of Eileen Taylor and Mabel Otto.

St. Thomas

Flower: Bunch Berry (Cornus canadensis)

Designer: Mary Skelton; Embroiderer: Catherine Cross

Sponsor: Neville and Olive Parry. In loving memory of Neville's mother, Violet (White) Parry.

All Saints

Flower: Ghost Plant (Monotropa uniflora)

Designer: Sara Johnson; Embroiderer: Kathryn and Valerie Osborne

Sponsor: Stanley Clark. In loving memory of his wife Florence Campbell Clark.